MAZZI CAFFÈ - 18/02/22 - 09:29

With a score of 86.625, coffee grower Anna Mazzi Santomauro won 4th place in the “Coffee from Brazil to the World” contest, arabica coffee category, a contest promoted by the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA) in partnership with the Brazilian Agriculture Agency. Promotion of Exports and Investments - APEX-BRASIL, with the support of the FAEMG/SENAR/INAES system. With the “Coffee from Brazil to the World” Anna Mazzi Santomauro from Fazenda Mundo Novo in Campo das Vertentes in Bom Sucesso-MG, she won the opportunity to participate in business roundtables with international coffee buyers from November 8 to 12/2021 . Participating in the training offered by the Agro.BR project that prepare producers to take advantage of opportunities to reach the foreign market in the best way. The action aimed to identify the best producers of Arabica coffee and canéfora coffee among the participants of the Agro.BR project, through physical evaluation and sensory classification of samples of green coffee processed in raw beans, and as a reward, promote them in markets international markets through virtual business rounds with potential buyers.